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Bryant University-BITZH adopts the mission of Bryant University as its guiding force. The mission of Bryant University-BITZH is to educate and inspire students to discover their passion and become innovative leaders with character around the world.


Since its founding in 1863, Bryant University has inspired students to excel and achieve success in life and their chosen professions. Bryant University-BITZH has the same aims. Our academic programs integrate business, liberal arts, and technology to develop the skills and critical thinking that are essential in every career. In addition to mastering academic subject matter, an international dimension and ethics are incorporated into every aspect of the Bryant experience so that graduates can lead global organizations and drive positive change.

At Bryant University-BITZH, traditional core values serve as the foundation for our future. Our collegial learning community will continue to encourage intellectual discovery inside and outside of the classroom. Bryant University-BITZH is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE, formerly NEASC) and Bryant University-BITZH’s business degree is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, also known as AACSB International.

Students develop the qualities of character that are essential to personal and professional fulfillment, including integrity and personal responsibility, a global perspective, an appreciation for the arts and humanities, and entrepreneurial drive.

Faculty - Scholarly, Teaching

Bryant University-BITZH’s focus is on the learning experience and learning outcomes, and we take great pride in the quality of our dedicated faculty. Professors make a special effort to develop innovative pedagogies that turn the classroom into a forum for the presentation and exchange of ideas. Teaching extends beyond the classroom when students and professors meet or use technology to exchange ideas or discuss matters of mutual interest. Our vibrant student life programs further extend the learning environment.

Bryant University-BITZH prides itself on its student/faculty relationships and mentorship. Faculty members are available for personal academic counseling and advising as an adjunct to formal programs. Our faculty maintain high standards of professionalism. They engage in original research projects; advise business, government, and industry leaders; author numerous scholarly books, articles, and conference papers; write and edit college textbooks; and conduct sponsored research for academic programs. Such diverse scholarly activities enable the faculty to stay current in and contribute to their fields of knowledge.

Class Size

Most class sizes range between 25 and 35 students. English courses in reading, writing, listening and speaking are considerably smaller. Communication and personal interaction are important in all phases of the educational process. At Bryant University-BITZH there are many opportunities for students to discuss personal, academic, and career concerns. Caring, dedicated faculty members, administrators, and counselors are available to talk with individual students in comfortable and supportive environments.

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