9月20日下午,布莱恩特项目2023级新生开学典礼暨学术启航仪式在图书馆报告厅举行。学校副校长陈洋、布莱恩特项目主任赵友斌、首席学术负责人Corey Larsen、直属党支部书记肖艳光、副院长赵博、院长助理左哲宇出席典礼,项目全体教职工,高年级学生代表及2023级全体新生参加典礼。典礼由Corey Larsen主持。
Eoin Daly助理教授作为教师代表发言,分享了自己的经历,勉励新生勇于面对困难和挫折,项目全体教师将竭尽全力帮助每一位学生成长成才,并建议多与同学交流学习,见贤思齐、取长补短、择善而从。
ZHUHAI, September 21, 2023 — Bryant Zhuhai kicked off the academic year with its convocation ceremony, marking the ceremonial start of first-year students' academic journey. This pivotal event saw the Bryant Zhuhai community coming together in full spirit to welcome and celebrate their newest members.
Academic Dean Corey Larsen, the emcee of the event, welcomed distinguished guest Vice President Yang Chen of BITZH, and acknowledge the presence and support of Bryant Zhuhai program Director Youbin Zhao, Party Secretary Yanguang Xiao, Associate Director of Student Affairs Bo Zhao, and several additional Bryant Zhuhai staff and faculty.
The ceremony showcased speaches from distinguished representatives of Bryant Zhuhai, BITZH, and Bryant University. Among them was faculty speaker Dr. Eoin Daly, who inspired students to embrace the onset of their university journey as an opportunity to redefine themselves, forge profound friendships, and ascend to greater responsibilities in every facet of their lives.
Senior student Shiqian Li engaged the freshmen with tales from her enriching journey over the past three years, intertwining her experiences at Bryant Zhuhai with her semester at Bryant University in the United States. With genuine enthusiasm, she inspired the freshmen to seize their time at Bryant Zhuhai by forging lasting relationships, leaning on the unwavering support of staff and faculty, and relentlessly pursuing their aspirations.
Vice President Chen of BITZH expressed appreciation for the dedication of foreign faculty who journeyed from distant homes and loved ones to educate students. He underscored the value of cultivating a global outlook to navigate future challenges and passionately called on students to strive diligently and contribute positively to their homeland.
President Ross Gittell of Bryant University warmly welcomed the freshmen into the Bryant fold. He accentuated the distinct blend of Eastern and Western educational values in the Bryant Zhuhai program, preparing its graduates not only for global market competitiveness but also for pursuing advanced studies at renowned universities worldwide.
In a symbolic gesture, Dr. Patrick Behar-Courtois and Linyan Wang (Tina) read the faculty and staff segment of the Bryant Pledge. Meanwhile, three outstanding freshmen led their peers in reciting the same pledge, reaffirming their commitment to the values and vision of Bryant Zhuhai.
The ceremony concluded with a memorable group photo capturing the exuberance of the students, faculty, and staff present. The day's events were rounded off with a commemorative dinner, setting a positive and collaborative tone for the academic year ahead.
终审:赵友斌 肖艳光